Most Improved Student


Hey there universe, It’s Jeff again. Not that one. The Black one. I sit on the left side of the hall. I know it is hard to keep track. I get it.  Anyhow, whatever lesson you have, I did not get it. I went to the lecture. I sat in the front row. I took notes. Sure, I doodled a little in the margin but I was paying attention.

Dude, that one lecture could have been cut by like 30 minutes. I’m just saying. But I digress. I am still uncertain what you are trying to communicate to me. What’s going to be on The Final. I would totally review my notes, re-read your holy book but honestly could you just let me know what you think I should know? I’m begging you for mercy and signal what you want from me.

Until this point, I’ve been doing slightly above average. But I’m ready to be extraordinary. But I don’t know what step is next. The last few lessons have been muddled. I mean I showed up close to on time. I only fell asleep and drooled on the table that one time. I keep pestering the TA for the true meaning, She keep saying the answer is 42 but I keep getting 37. Clearly, I missed something and mathematics had never been my strong suit. I’ve watched closely. Observed. Done the exercises. But I’m not sure I’m getting a passing grade. It’s a new year so I’m asking you directly what you want to see in me.


Most improved student.